
Yooo wtf is up with the Linus Tech allegations.

Absolute bonkers.

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    So I went to Odysee and I see this video from a guy who called Linus out in 2021 on this stuff. The community attacked this dude. Including the guy currently calling Linus out. So this drama has been building for years apparently. If you believe this guy.

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    People in positions of power abused their influence and created low effort inaccurate informational video, prioritising money over accuracy.

    How surprising.
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    @SidTheITGuy LMG keeps branding itself as an apology outlet excusing its lax research for a quick buck. Not only that, every apology video comes with a shameless plug attached.

    *sigh* Only if it was just one video... No-no-no, entire pack now befalls the scrutiny.
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    @vintprox my statement still stands ... they prioritise money over information accuracy or integrity.

    How surprising.
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    @ostream True, he should have asked ChatGPT for better source of info ... *sarcasm*
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    With @ostream on this one. Besides, from a brief search online, which set of allegations are we talking about? Seems to be multiple going around.
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    Just 🍿
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    Not really, just mostly cancel culture drama

    None of the allegations are too serious, some QA issues, being too loose about sending stuff back to brands, trying to make too many videos on a tight staff

    I mean, yeah not great but nowhere near what the internet makes it out to be
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    I stopped watching LTT years ago when they started giving medical advice, and did the mask virtue signaling thing. He also forced the experimental jab on all his staff.

    Around that time I was watching GN and Jays2cents and found them both way less annoying than LTT. I really love all the stuff Gamers Nexus does. It's a bit more dry and down to earth, but I prefer that stuff.

    I couldn't give a fuck about LTT, but they made the mistake of specifically throwing shit at GN, and GN had to respond and did so really well.

    LTTs apology video was originally pay-walled on FlowPlane, it has joke adverts for their store, and they originally monetized the YouTube version .. and they forgot to blur out emails and personal info.

    LTT will survive, but I hope they lose a ton of viewers. It's a shit channel. 🍿
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    @12bitfloat I thought they stole a prototype and didn't return it. They also potentially broke an NDA on trade secrets and pricing info for that product. Then there was the damage to this companies reputation for poor reviews. I would not be surprised if this doesn't turn into a lawsuit at least.
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    @Demolishun They say it was a "process error" and I wouldn't be surprised if it was. I doubt they deliberately stole it for profit

    Bad data is another thing. Some data was incorrect which is bad obviously but as far as I know LTT actually retests all gpus each time they do a review, which is also a good thing

    Honestly it just seems like what it probably is. A company with a still juvenile internal attitude that grew too fast for it's own sake. Over the last two years or so they hired so many new people it's insane

    So what I'm saying is: The world isn't ending, LTT should just slow down a bit instead of the classic "move fast and break things". No need for internet pitch forks and witch hunts
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    Kudos for trying to get out in front of the issue and attempting to be transparent. I would have been more sympathetic if the apology/explanation wasn't sanitized and read from a teleprompter.

    Hopefully they take a step back and ask themselves "What the heck are we doing here?" and take the necessary steps to improve.
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    @Demolishun It could, but I have a feeling Billet is going to get a lot of positive publicity off of this. This product is highly specialized.

    No one is really giving the product justice. It cools the video card and the CPU with the same block! Like, it's only for people who are machining custom cases! If they get even 10 pre-orders from this, it will people who money to burn, who like making super custom stuff, and could lead to a lot of open source case designs just for this block.

    I don't think they'd sue here. It would be a bad look, they've got plenty of good attention, and they'd have to deal with international law (UK vs Canada).

    Hell if I knew how to metal work, I'd be tempted to give their block a try.
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    @djsumdog I didn't realize LTT did the whole woke shit. I wasn't paying attention to them back then. Just for that I would have stopped watching.
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    @Demolishun > "I didn't realize LTT did the whole woke shit."

    Doesn't excuse them, nearly all tech related companies did that to increase/maintain their social justice (ESG) scores.

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    @ostream not really... It just has never been great in certain ways
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    @PaperTrail I know, that is why bud light is failing.
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    @Demolishun > "that is why bud light is failing"

    That is an understatement.

    Recently attended the Missouri State Fair and the booze area had zero Bud products displayed and all the adverts covered by Modelo and Lite. There was a bud advert on a light pole and it looked like someone had tried to scrape it off (not much left of it)

    Commented to my wife "Missouri ain't taken' prisoners"
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    @12bitfloat Aren't the allegations that an employee felt she had to self harm to have a break, was forced to manage an onlyfans account where she routinely had to look at pornographic images, and routinely had sexual, inappropriate comments made about her with complaints going unnoticed?
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    @ostream what crappy site is that? Why is a story like this split into multiple messages?
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    @ostream usually I see posts that are not split into small chunks there
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    @ostream "Hello, fellow <insert victim social class of the week> ..."

    Folks have no idea how accurate that is.
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    Geez. This took a turn.

    Anyways. Anyone have the full scoop of what's going on with Linus?

    Did he actually do something creepy. Or is it just cancel culture?

    Is Linus's case like Bill Cosby's 🤔
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    @gagan-suie > "just cancel culture"

    I don't know the under-workings of that company, it smells more of cancel culture and under-achievers dog piling.

    They made a mistake, they appear to be taking responsibility, and saying they are making steps to improve. You judge folks by their fruit, not their words, so we'll see what shakes out.
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