
How the fuck are lifts programmed? Two lifts in a shaft, one at level 0, the other at level 4, I call it from level -1. Which one comes? You bet your ass it's the one from lvl 4. Is it Math.random()?

  • 0
    The one at level 0 was probably kept busy
  • 1
    It's often very dumb - sometimes just "round robin" style calling one lift after the other in my experience. Never worked in that area though.
  • 1
    Last time I checked (only time actually) the system favours keeping elevators near ground floor, because that's where they are most required.

    Of course this was in an office building so it might be different for residential ones.
  • 0
    From what I've noticed after living in two apartment complexes for years, it will try call the one that is free (even when both appears to be free, but one may be kept open or just happen to be opened at the floor it was on) or the closest one that typically happens to not be at the ground floor.
  • 2
    Beautiful prioritisation. Most are kept at math.random(), while bosses and the comms ppl get their levels and times prioritised.
  • 0
    Imagine an elevator that is running JS. Should come with a warning sign.

    »Uh, I'll take the stairs, thanks.«
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