
To be locked in a dev-centered paradigm. I want personal projects that earn me money. I want my own business. But, it requires marketing. I have no respect for marketing people. I’m a dev, and that’s a common sentiment among devs. I have to get over it to achieve my goals, but it seems like I’m locked in a dev paradigm. I only see engineering.

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    that's why we have money, to give them to others for their services ;)
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    Have you tried a course on "dIgItAl MaRkEtInG" ?
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    @We3D I'm stuck in a “I'll make it happen all alone” mindset that originated from the complete lack of any kind of money during the time I started making products and releasing them on Product Hunt.
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    @kiki you have to brake that. almost no one had succeeded that way, or if they did they don't earn that much and have to be constantly in action
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    Oh I feel this. Marketers in my book are no more than jumped up liars who over-advertise whatever crap they can get their hands on to get their paychecks, then make all the lies someone else's problem and walk away.

    But sadly people fall for this crap, and to win you unfortunately need to partake in this madness.
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    @Nanos You absolutely *can* make it without any marketing - but it's a lot harder to get off the ground, and a lot harder to grow. At least in most industries.

    (There may be niche ones that are the exception of course.)
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    People hate shitty or misleading marketing. If you are honest it is a strength, it is the ability to present information in a concise and simple way to demonstrate why someone may want something.

    It is just a tool that you can learn to leverage without taunting yourself with the shitty parts. One of the best things I learned from someone was to look at things besides development. It gives you perspective as well.
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    Unfortunately, competence and expertise are not the best way to success. But rather it is to be able to manipulate, mislead, convince and otherwise play people to like you and agree with you.
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    @AlmondSauce @Nanos @ars1 guuuuuys you are sooo supportive 💖 thank you! What you said really got me thinking. Ima hit the shower now to process, I’m not kidding
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    IMO shifting one’s paradigm can be super turbulent - maybe hang out with business minded people first and start to adopt traits from them that you find redeeming. Maybe a discussion with a past CEO? You might not even need to be a marketer 🤷‍♂️.
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