
@dfox Please, give an ability to ban accounts to a few high ranked users?

  • 13
    Lol - maybe we should give @Root privileges
  • 9
    @dfox @trogus I'm sure you'd be able to hand pick some users who would act in good faith
  • 8
    @bella-X-TheIck idk, sounds pretty sexist to me.
  • 11
    @chaosesqueteam you're the first on the ban list
  • 8
    @dfox granting a stronger protective mechanism against bots and spammers actually makes sense. Botters can break the system any way they like, and we have only very limited tools in our armory: downvote and report. While downvoting works against random spambots, it's as useful as a fork against a tank when the bot has several slave bots promoting the master bot [basically an army of ++ers].

    Current mechanism would work IF this platform wasn't abandoned and reported users were actually reviewed manually by someone and banned if needed. Now we don't have this luxury.

    We need better self-protection tools.
  • 1
    @chaosesqueteam green dots can't apply 🙄.
  • 11
    This is how censorship starts
  • 5
  • 2
    @retoor It's not censorship if you're the one making the decisions. Then it's just authoritarian moderation.
  • 10
    Btw *if* it was real to have people get the ability to ban people then I'd nominate

    1. @ScriptCoded

    2. @Hazarth

    3. @netikras

    4. @scor

    5. @kiki

    6. @cafecortado

    7. @PonySlaystation

    8. @noop

    9. @AleCx04

    10. @Lensflare

    These'd be my top ten.
  • 3

    I'm saying this with all sincerity,

    Go suck a dick, you waste cake of a human bitch.
  • 12
    how about we just let AOK handle this
  • 8
    BTW this has been requested and requested and always turned down. Moderators, I mean. And I would probably kill myself if devRant got moderators because look at discord and reddit. Some of the shittiest places to be because if you tee off a mod (who always has the emotional capacity of a roid raging 6 year old) its bye-bye to you.

    The block feature has been in the works for a very long time, but never released. There was one time it was accidentally released because the feature flag was left on. What @dfox and @trogus really need is some man-power!
  • 1
    Good luck getting heard.
  • 2
    @chaosesqueteam I want to cause you harm
  • 2
    @chaosesqueteam 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 on your project.

    I've seen simps (especially from Gujju families) donate $$$ to OnlyFans models and I have more respect towards them than you.

    At least those simps had the decency to "pay" people what they thought they were worth. But not you, you fucking sewer-dwelling rat-eating scum-collecting 24X7-simping junkie-butt-fucking pussy-licking piece of troglodyte idiot.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm Reddit seems to be pretty fine to me. At least the forums/subreddits where i lurk around are fine and the ones i visit in pursuit of specific information seem also fine.
  • 2
    Do it like stackoverflow and give those with the highest points the ability to ban 😂😂😏
  • 2
    @Root that account seems to be one of chaosesque's alts. Or at least some related troll.
  • 6
    Let's give jase the ban rights so all accounts get deleted periodically.
  • 1
    @dfox give us this guys’ IP lol
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm I think the problem with the block button is that devrant would fill with spam and worse since the active users wouldn't downvote and report posts. It would be good for active users but bad for newcomers and lurkers.
  • 1
    @electrineer it's not my responsibility to endure troll accounts. Being an idiot isn't against the rules anyways and even so, look at this crackhead's content. It has lots of positive interactions because it has the words open source and a cool retro looking picture. Block button, PLEASE
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm no it's botting I think.
  • 2
    @electrineer Yeah, it’s an alt.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm he got his ++ because he uses lots of alts and VPN. I think the proper solution in this case would be banning because of misuse of alts. I've seen multiple kinds of abusive behaviour by him also.
  • 3
    @SidTheITGuy And this list is exactly why we shouldn't. You can't just ban people you don't like.
  • 6
    Well, you must be a very retarded attorney to go making written death threats, @chaosesqueteam...
  • 3
    @CoreFusionX I am not shocked by the death threats. I am shocked someone even reads his posts anymore. lol
  • 5
    This is the most interesting devrant has been in a while. Not interested in censorship. I can say things here I cannot say other places.
  • 2
    @SidTheITGuy kiki???? You must be kidding.
  • 3
    @chaosesqueteam Did you just come out as a pedo?? You're banned.
  • 1
    But, make the ban democratic.
  • 1
    @Nanos no you were in the top 10 the first time. Then i replaced you with cafecortado. Just personal preference.

    Other than writing 25 page novels every time you comment, you're chill. You aren't a dick like me.
  • 5
    @SidTheITGuy thanks. It’s an honor.
    If I’ll become a moderator, I’ll do my research and ban that mofo and all his sock puppets. After that, I’ll stop being a moderator. During my years on this platform, I’ve never seen a case like this. DevRant is good at self-regulation. We don’t need to redditify this platform.
    I’m against career-moderators so to speak, just like I’m against career-politicians. It’s a civil duty, not a career.
  • 2
    @chaosesqueteam Alright, I hear you and your argument about OSS development. It's not driven by pay. I get it.

    But you fucking dipshit, when you use foul language and spew bullshit about "men" "feminism" "gays" and be openly sexist, homophobic, racist and 30 other things,

    who'd want to come work with you? If anything, you should pay triple to the people who will work with you on ur bullshit "software" just because you're a pathetic scumbag of a human being.

    At this point, even ChatGPT is out of swear words for me to throw at you.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy my ideal moderator is a mere broker of the ban button. Here’s how the ban decision should be implemented:
    1. I scan rants and comments to determine the active user base for the last month
    2. I create a vote rant that will never be deleted
    3. I mention the active users and call them to vote
    4. After one week is passed OR 80% of people voted, I screenshot comments to prevent foul play, post the screenshots and ban/not ban based on the vote results.
  • 0
    @kiki Doing it this way, won't work because it will divide the userbase up with people who want someone banned and people who don't.

    People will start advocating things like - "Unban this {user} otherwise ..... "

    Community moderation is better imo. Also this @chaosesqueteam guy is going to get downvoted into oblivion and wiped out from this platform no matter how hard he tries to fight back.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy I think assholes that _need_ to be banned will see the platform voting unanimously. I mean who exactly (other than his sock puppets) want him to stay?

    But, good point. Maybe an overwhelming majority is required to execute a ban. I won’t want ban decisions hinging on slim margins.
  • 3
    @kiki how would you protect against alts? We see the problem with voting already in his ++ count.
  • 3
    @c3r38r170 he's been that way online for decades. There was nothing new. Definitely falls under hateful conduct.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy likes our salty rage of us squashing the bots.
    Much appreciated. Cheers, mate. ;)
  • 0
    @electrineer if those alts comment and vouch for him in comments, then they can be detected. It's not about ++'s.
  • 0
    @chaosesqueteam Okay, let me switch to my usual language towards you. Doesn't seem like rational language is something you'd understand

    Go suck a dick and die getting choked on that motherfucking dick, you dirtbag-sniffing dog-fucking armpit-smelling sticking-a-broomstick-up-your-ass-for-sexual-feeling dick-sucking rats-up-your-ass-and-them-chewing bloated looking ass motherfucker.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy It is not worth the effort. They are already embroiled in their own perversion and using scripture to justify this end.
  • 2
    @Nanos "We are all just people on a planet, trying to get along."

    This is false. Some of the people want all others dead. We are not friends.
  • -1
    @Demolishun >embroiled in their own perversion and using scripture to justify this end.

    There is nothing perverted about marrying cute young virgin girls.

    You say citing Old Testament Law that allows it is "perversion": just as your demi-god: Jesus: said the old testament God is "the father of the adversary, and a liar and a murderer from the begining".

    We are at war. That's the only way to settle this: to kill you dead and gone : just as you have killed afghans for marrying cute young girls.

    FUCK you.
  • 5
    @gjudqf I'm going to dissapoint you:
    na'ara betula doesn't mean small child. In current hebrew, it means teenage virgin, but in Tanakh Hebrew it just means young woman(virgin) of marrying age,
    so about 14-16 years old(don't quote me on specific numbers, but that's something like that), which in that time was a very normal(from a 'social norms' point of view) age to marry considering normal people(i.e. not wealthy or famous people) usually lived around 40-50 years, which is arouns half of what we live today.

    12 years and lower is not in any situation fall under na'ara. And don't believe me, I'm just a rando, find a Rabbi, ask them, they usually know about a single chapter more than you probably know about the whole OT. Those guys are walking libraries.
  • 1
    Oh, lol. I posted that and left for work, came back today to read something funny before going to sleep and found a shitload of notifications. Thought something broke!
  • 0
    @gjudqf I don't know why you didn't continue here,
    But for anybody following this, continuation is here: https://devrant.com/rants/8898329/

    Some messages may be invisible due to downvotes so read them from his profile.
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