
A small instant cocoa package. Pink and blue. It said “Mine. Autonomous. Immaculate.” My sister gave it to me. It was made from human female skeletons, because you can't make them from male ones. Eat it as-is, or dissolve it in milk. It tastes like ketone bodies.

  • 1
    What it does to you?
  • 4
    I thought AoK was back for a moment...
  • 1
    Sexism smh, now I will be made out to be the bad guy for specifically going after women to grind into cocoa power.
  • 1
    Wow, that's quite the unique cocoa package description! I've heard of many flavors, but 'ketone bodies' is a new one for me. (Banana ?!?!)😄 Always interesting to hear about unique finds!
  • 1
    @We3D nothing. its just cocoa
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