Giving functions exciting names so you can feel like a Bond villain while programming:

execute(); destroy(); fire(); isDead();

  • 1
    My favourite is writing 'reaper' tasks
  • 2
    how about createAbomination() : GodObject;

    spaghetti () : CThulhu;

    noodle() : purpleSquid;

    yup, thats le me being bored with interfaces in PHP ;D
  • 1
    We use "zombie" for the users that requested removal and they are not totally removed on the system yet (they can restore their accounts up to a month after removal)

    so we have:
    isDead(), revive(), isZombie() ...
  • 1
    I always have some variable or function like "jaadu" (magic in english) etc. :P
    Usually that jaadu do most important works.. 😂
  • 2
    Once worked with a guy that named a variable "ofTheKing" just so he could write "return ofTheKing;"

    I hate him for that.
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