
Aggressively eliminate from your life everything that causes the slightest mental distress. Replace everything that has to it even a hint of undesirable emotions.

I once read about a girl who left work to buy a plane ticket to Australia to get away from her abusive boyfriend, and started her life from scratch. Being in an abusive relationship myself, I envied her.

One million seconds is eleven days. One billion seconds is 31 years. If you have just one second to spend with a person, you won't run out of the population for 248 whole years. There is no such thing as an irreplaceable person, no matter if they're your father, mother, best friend, wife, or husband.

Pain and trauma won't really go away, but they won't get bigger. You, however, can. One day you will be dying, and realizing at that moment that you didn't live the life you wanted to live, while knowing it's too late now, is the scariest thing that can happen to a human being. As you fade away, the sense of time will slip, and whatever you're feeling will stretch to eternity. Make it an eternity of calm happiness, and not an eternity of doubt and sorrow.

Make sure that when this moment comes, you're ready and comfortable with the life you lived. At least be confident it was YOUR life, and not someone else's.

This goes to everyone, both mentally/physically ill and healthy, and to both neurotypical and on the spectrum.

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    Who here needs a new job? 🙋🏼‍♂️
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    Wise words.
    One of the hardest things about living the life you want is the absolute solitude that it may bring in some cases. But perhaps sometimes that is for the best.
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    @electrineer 🙋‍♂️
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    "Aggressively eliminate from your life everything that causes the slightest mental distress". And your suggestion is to run away from people?
    I gotta admit, it’s mostly people that cause mental distress within me as well. Or should I say… my inability to tear down the mental obstacles that keep me from dealing with people in a healthier matter.

    Maybe that’s where I (we) need to start fixing things, rather than just casting people out of our lives
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    @black-kite I have too little time left to fix things with people. I'll never run out of new people, so I'd rather run away

    it takes ten seconds for my autistic third eye to find out if a person is a piece of shit anyways
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    @electrineer I am literally searching for a new job at the moment!
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    Cutting imperfect people out of your life is just as self-destructive as staying with an abuser.
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    @merklegroot cutting out people that hurt you is self-preservation.
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    @kiki If they're abusive and manipulative yes. If they're sometimes unpleasant and grumpy, no.
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    @merklegroot being grumpy doesn't mean actively and purposefully causing emotional distress. I'm always ready to talk to a grumpy friend about what happened, or leave them alone if they wish so. Helping those people makes me feel better
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    @kiki If their goal is to cause you harm and it's not just a side-effect of them having a different view, then you are right. Just be sure that's actually the case before you cut them out.
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