It's just apple things again.

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    @Demolishun and even Rust has published vulnerabilities mane, no one is safe
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    @AleCx04 I want to tell Rust projects to rewrite it in Rust!
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    @Demolishun well they did rewrite their compiler in rust lmao
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    @Demolishun i did, wrote the prototype in rust, and now the actual software aswell 🤷
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    @ostream you can use type inference. It's not the crystal bowl approach of js, but it will just infer the type, and you don't need to write it down all the time. It's not that dissimilar from the auto keyword in C++.

    Other than that, i'm just used to typing and honestly get uncomfortable, the moment the type is not known definitely. I also often prefer working with traits instead of concrete types, because then you get the flexibility of knowing exactly, what you get, but not being bound by the exact type. Simple things like using Into<String>, instead of String or &str.

    The documentation is honestly pretty good thanks to docs.rs and all the builtin tools, to write documentation, including, but not limited to: builtin cargo tooling for creating documentation from comments, comments supporting markdown by default, builtin documentation validation against the actual code, etc.

    So far, i'm having a good time. But i can also see where you come from (especially with all that trait stuff)
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    AWS and Azure would like you to believe that no one could ever use this to compromise your precious cloud app running on a shared server. I'm sure cloud is fine, send more money.
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    @merklegroot "send more money."

    aws zombies be like "send more paramedics."
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