
Spent too much time with Sass companies.

I'm forgetting there's a non Sass world of tech

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    I felt the same way when I was helping a junior with some CSS stuff and caught myself nearly writing SCSS code in the CSS file 🤣.

    Hopefully one day SCSS will be redundant.
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    shit. I meant Saas. lol
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    well, doesn't matter if you mean "sass" or "saas" - both are terrible ideas and the world would be better off without them.
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    @ostream exactly - did you take a look at the modern web?

    it sucks.
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    @ostream it's widely used. yes. doesn't imply that it's not garbage.
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    @ostream then please enlighten me. what are the benefits of SaaS? except "you can bill the living daylights out of the fools who pay for it, cause you got them completely by the balls"
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    @tosensei Genuine question:
    Do you genuinely think deploying the software to the client's premises is better (in all cases)?
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    @Berkmann18 "in all cases"? no.

    NOTHING is better in all cases. there's always an exception.

    but in the vast majority (and if you count "customer-managed servers in a datacenter" as "on-premises") the answer is yes.
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