Google: “Your websites must load the first byte in under 500ms and be fully loaded with no render blocking and local caching of all external site callouts to even begin to rank in Google searches.”

Me: “Ok, Google. Your wish is my command.”

*Looks at Chrome’s memory usage to load a blank page*

  • 6
    @Alice the Chrome browser’s system memory usage is crazy big in contrast to the miracle web developers are supposed to pull off on the render.
  • 8
    „Do as say not as I do“ ^^
  • 4
    Well send a space as the first byte instantly then first problem solved
  • 6
  • 3
    @poster983 they get a 100 if you actually link to https://www.google.com so it doesn't have to redirect.
  • 0
    What stinks is trying to tell clients that PageSpeed is not scripture. They read on all the SEO blogs how important it is but won’t listen when you show them the opposing articles. Really frustrating. So you have to do what they tell you and they often want 90% or better.
  • 0
    so start from there - it's fair to use chrome's average minimum usage as a starting point, and just subtract it when the byte(s) is loaded
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