
And the winner is semicolon;

  • 1
    Rather than programming what is the actual use of semicolon?
  • 4
    There's NO way that ) is ahead of } lmao
  • 4
    The editor lights up in red like a whorehouse if one is missing, are you using Notepad?
  • 2
    @rsharma9234 It's sometimes used as something between a period and a comma, i.e. stronger than a comma, but not an end of the sentence. It can also be used as separator between multiple thungs that are are a part of the same point, for example, a list of multiple sentences especially if each one already has a comma to distinguish parts of a single item/sentence in the list.
  • 1
    is this some vs-code joke i'm just too jetbrains to understand?
  • 2
    @SoldierOfCode you know your shit man
  • 3
    @codememe Not really, I just like grammar and using language correctly. Order is better than chaos.
  • 2
    I fucken hate it, when } goes MIA, and the ide decides to format a stupid ass golang 1kloc file.

    Intlij get a brain freeze moment plus full body muscle lock as if it had a citroen cactus shoved up its ass, while I try to ctrl-z going "Nooooooooooooooo!" at the screen.

    M1/32gb macbook pro. SMH.
  • 2
    @rsharma9234 end of statement
  • 2
    I barely have problems with those. But I know a secret trick long gone by the newer generation.
    I understand the compiler error without the internet and I use a language that has a compiler.
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