
Hmm... So apparently originally programmers and tech innovators were mostly women... Sorta strange how now it's flipped...

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    Once it became something that could be seen as prestigious, that old bias of "womans can't smart" came along again. Women are still pushed into liberal arts degrees or medicine rather than sciences or engineering.
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    Once it became better paid than the "women jobs" like secretary or jobs in the social field, men outside of science also became interested in becoming a programmer.

    Then the sexism of the early 1960s came along and the required intellectual effort for programming and computer science suddenly also became too much for women. Sadly, after that, it took some time to recover.

    Marketing the PC during the 1980s mainly to boys/men (because "girls/women don't play videogames") surely didn't help.
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    Yet another case of something becoming too prestigious to "leave to the women" 😧
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    Thats actually not programming so to speak... it would equate to something along the lines of "compiling" not wiriting the program itself
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    Discrimination is the biggest thing that makes me wanna wipe out humanity... among other things ofc ☚ī¸â˜šī¸
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    @nik123 lol ouch 😂😂😂
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    Its somewhat explained in the movie hidden figures
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    @nik123 Yeah, well, hard to do without - the history of computer science is a political one not only regarding women. :)

    I'd never generally say these people are/were retarded - well, in anger, yes - but in most cases they just never question some of the circumstances they live in or never put themselves into another person's shoes. Or they just want to stay in their comfort zone etc.
    More than one reason that can lead to "not thinking (far) enough", still today.

    But I'm optimistic that we do at least learn from history even if it's a slow and uncomfortable process.
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    @nin0x03 I really hope you are right. I'm trying not to become cynical, but it's hard
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