
This job post says theyre looking for a full stack javascript developer! What the fuck do you mean? FULL STACK includes at least 2 jobs. JAVASCRIPT is 1 job. Whats the other one?? Same thing they put for full stack python developer. Gtfo.

  • 9
    There is js for backend now 🫠
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    @MammaNeedHummus What?! Or do you mean the bullshit nextjs made?
  • 1
    Must daily drive Node-OS
  • 3
    What’s wrong with that? I was fullstack JS (TS) in my previous job (react-angular-node)
    Oh boy, here come the JS haters (the untouchable elite of devrant)
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    People be trashing JS by proxy now. 🤣

    How you do web and not know JS is backend now? It has been that way for a long time.
  • 3
    Huh? You are a web dev and never heard about js on the backend? Fullstack = frontend + backend.
  • 0
    @Lensflare backend in WHAT? Nodejs? Nextjs? Shitjs? Python? Java? Whats the fucking backend for the full stack web dev role if JS is the frontend??
  • 1
    Guys+gal remember this one is just a shitty troll. He's just playing with us.
  • 4
    they mean node.js or angular my man... it's all JavaScript, usually through the lens of TypeScript, but the industry just calls it all "JavaScript Developer" anyway. You can totally do fullstack purely with JS and should assume they mean that.

    Now whether we *should* have JS on backend is a whole another discussion. I'd rather see a Java, C# or Python backend personally (hell, even C++, let's fucking goooo) but that's just, like, my opinion man.
  • 2
    Front end includes user facing outputs and logic that runs on the client. (Html, css, js, wasm, and multimedia)

    Back end includes the web server, logic that runs on the server, sometimes databases, sometimes networking, and sometimes infrastructure.

    Any language that can run on a client can run on a server. JavaScript exists in the back end.
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