
Google has a really strange idea of what a rate limit is.

I’m trying to feed a few hundred URLs into the link shortener service. Docs say “1m a day, 1 req per second per user.”

No problem. Put a 1.2s sleep between hits.

Almost to the end... 403 rate limit exceeded.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  • 2
    86400 < 1million?

    Unless it's by ip, in which case, use a proxy!
  • 3
    I had this same problem with Amazon, except the rate limit seemed to constantly change. I considered caching data, despite the potential for errors, but ToS say nope. I ended up giving up on that project, absolute pisstake.
  • 3
    The user is per ip; so if this was a web app and users were hitting it, their combined totals can’t exceed 1m per day; and then for each user, it’s 100 per 100s.

    But either way—their rate measurement is broken. I had even put in an exponential back off, to no avail.

    Fucking google.
  • 4
    Before, everything google touched turned to gold.

    However, it's slowing getting to the point where everything google touches turns to crap.
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