

I just realized

unit tests and integration tests dont exist in nextjs

So now i wondered

What about integrating AWS cloud functions with nextjs?

What about docker with nextjs?

Kubernetes with nextjs??

How TF do u implement a CI/CD pipeline with nextjs if there is nothing to test?!?!??

Nextjs seems like itself is self sufficient. WTF? Everything has been packed and cluttered into 1 giant pile of horsedump and called Nextjs Framework where you dont need k8s to run it or anything. Might as well then rename this fucking "framework" to GOD of all frameworks since it appears it can fucking do anything and everything without requiring HEAVY DevOps bullshit.

ALL of it can be cluttered in 1 nextjs project and you have a fully functional production working website that can basically do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.


Am i fucking going insane? Am i missing something here??

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    You remind me of me when I started getting into this industry
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    @supernova777 @lungdart @shovethisrant you also have no explanation to these questions thats why you provided 0 answers. Glad to know its not just me who realized this massive... Flaw? I dont know how to call it. in nextjs
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    @b2plane sounds like a skill issue little boy
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    @shovethisrant You have no idea how to set up kubernetes to run a nextjs app. Or even if you do it would be an overkill. Checkmate
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    @b2plane I don't know nextjs, but I know testing, ci/cd, docker, and k8s.

    And I don't understand your rant. Why would next.js not be compatible with containerization, or orchestration? Why couldn't you test it?
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    @lungdart HOW can you test it? You keep asking me dumb questions without providing solution HOW you would do that. It would be like firing from a tank thats placed inside an AC130 in the air. You dont know shit thats why you cant provide an answer
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    @supernova777 wouldnt it be an overkill to use kubernetes with nextjs? Afterall this one guy on youtube keeps making nextjs courses 10-12 hours long and the code he wrote is so good and understandable and he even recreated the entire discord clone only with nextjs. Imagine all the fuckery you'd need to build for a DISCORD web app clone, and hes done allat with just nextjs. No kubernetes no docker no cicd no devops shit. If nextjs is powerful enough to do all of that on its own give me a very good reason why should i overengineer any nextjs project by integrating any AWS or kubernetes or any devops stuff into it?
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    No official k8s docs, but once it's in a container, it's the same as anything else.
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    @lungdart Yes but i keep wondering should nextjs be integrated with k8s? Or is it an overkill? At what point is integrating any other standard devops stuff considered an overkill for a nextjs project?
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    @b2plane k8s is overkill if you don't need HA, autoscaling, ever have a large request per second requirement.

    Otherwise just chuck it into 2 micro ec2 behind an nginx reverse proxy ever put alb in front of it. You could skip the lb and use dns load balancing with route53
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    @b2plane I feel like your missing some fundamental idea of what docker and k8s are for.

    Docker and k8s don't care about your frameworks, and it won't be overkill for one framework and not for another. They don't solve any framework level problems.

    They solve deployment problems. And if you have one that it solves, then it's a good choice.
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    I stopped reading the moment I saew 'JS".

    When webassembly exists, why would you EVER do JS ?! (Any framework) , like EVER ?
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    The easy answer on kubernettes is that if you do mot know, you most likely do not need unless some senior tells you you need and how to do it.

    And while I admit I do not know how to unit test next.js I do know it can be done since out frontend devs does it :)

    Next.js most likely would not need to integrate with containers.

    It might use services deployed in containers or run in a container but unless the next.js app will actually govern containers it would not integrate either the as such.

    You probably just need to study it a lot more before starting with advanced questions :)
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    What did I just read?
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