
i have to work with some caveman technology called rexify.org at my job and there is not a single fucking tutorial or guide explaining how to work with this bullshit. Why do these deepshit companies choose the shittiest 50 year old technologies instead of evolving into new ones?

  • 2
    rexify sounds like technology from Jurassic Park
  • 0
    You didn’t know rexify? Everyone uses rexify!!
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    Looking at the documentation, step 1: learn Perl (eeerrrrggghhhh). Step 2: give up, realise every distributed automation framework is a pain in the ass, move to a cave in the mountains, forget about the stones engraved with magic runes to make them speak, live a happier life. Step 3: profit.

    I've used ansible, airflow, docker swarm, celery, a couple of other things. They're a pain. AWS has its advantages...
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    @atheist i've found that the best, fastest, most reliable tools for automation are shell scripts and, if the added overhead is ABSOLUTELY needed, python.
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    @b2plane it has docs on the site? it's a perl module, so most of the "how do I do X?" is going to boil down to "how much Perl do you know?"
    https://rexify.org/docs/guides/... there's a boilerplate here, and sparse docs elsewhere. build a harness you can drill into it from, and start figuring it out.
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    @Parzi I prefer python to bash, just due to the reduced cognitive load of coding in it. Simpler syntax, no implicit variables leaking in from the environment, imports and functions instead of "just run that other shell script".
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    @atheist both POSIX shell and Bash allow for functions, at least, they're just limited in scope to the script where they're defined. I do understand what you mean, though, it would also be my first choice if i didn't semi-frequently find myself in situations where a POSIX shell is all I have.
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    @Parzi ahhh yes, the reason I learned vim, "the lowest common denominator"...
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