
Got VS running, SDL up and running and outputting, and angelscript included. Only getting linker errors on angel at the moment, not on inclusion, but on calling engine initialization.
Who knows what it is. Devs recommended precompiling but I wanted to compile with the project rather than as a dll (maybe I'm doing something stupid though, too new to know).

Goal is to do for sdl, cpp, and angelscript, what LOVE2d did for lua. Maybe half baked, and more just an experiment to learn and see if I can.

Would be cool to script in cpp without having to fuck with compilers and IDEs.

As simple as 1. write c++, 2. script is compiled on load, 3. have immediate access to sdl in the same language that the documentation and core bindings are written for.

Maybe make something a little more batteries-included than what lua and love offer out of the box, barebones editors and tooling and the like, but thats off in the near future and just a notion rather than a solid plan.

Needed to take a break from coding my game and here I am..experimenting with more code.

Something is wrong with me.

  • 2
    haha can relate to that. My current project is literally an editor, so i don't need to fuck around with code to design stuff.
    Meanwhile i have passed 20k LoC on the editor alone (without client+server) and only have maybe half of the features in there 🤣
  • 1
    What game are you coding?
  • 1
    @asgs you asked. Heres a wall-o-text: game called Atom Ranger, a roguelike, inspired by neoscavenger, w/ some influences from state of decay for base management, emergent base building, immersive environments and a setting like metro, limited crafting like the last of us, real time and tactical combat (with pausing), varied and emergent factions, a fully dynamic environment where areas decay and become more dangerous over time, and more.

    Big part of the gameplay is being out in the elements. I took some inspiration from The Long Dark. From wind chill, to being wet, covered in radioactive dust, grimy, muddy, dirtiness effecting whether you stand out in town or not (could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the faction). Gear can have holes, rips, be wet, radioactive, biologically contaminated, burrs, mud, chemically contaminated, frozen (doors too..good luck getting in a place w/o a crowbar) and numerous other issues, so players are constantly looting and making trade offs.
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    Lastly navigating on the overworld is just as important as when exploring an area.

    Each overworld tile shows you the resource cost to move onto it, the status effect risks. If the weather is raining or just rained, then moving over hills or badlands tiles shows "45% muddy", meaning theres about a 1-in-2 chance that moving through this tile will cause you to slip and fall and one of your pieces of gear will have 10% muddiness added to it. Because some equipment statuses can be treated (combine rag + water with gear to clean it) it's not a big deal. Some of course cant. And because it's a roguelike, even small differences can mean life or death in combat.

    So this constant set of tradeoffs turns the overworld into a maze of decisions you have to make about the best route to explore the world.

    Traits, acting as lock key, make navigating less dangerous (among other things). "SWIMMING II" let's you navigate overworld river tiles with 50% less chance of drowning, etc.
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    And the further you make it (days survived) the more traits you unlock to select from on a subsequent survival run.

    Starting with one profile/randomly generated world, starting a fresh character, the world age (and map decay) is progressed by x months, seasons, or even years, depending on the difficulty you selected when creating the profile. The older the game world, the more decayed the map, the more overgrown and dangerous the world, the more dangerous the enemies, the more advanced the factions, and the less loot you can find. But also the more traits you have to select from for building more capable survivors.
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    And you'll need em because it's a big world. Modelled after an irl u.s. state, using geographic data, one overworld tile represents one square mile.

    You'll explore everything from flooded subways, to skyscrapers, rugged mountains, and abandoned nuclear facilities. Hydro dams, and malls. You'll build outposts for supplies, garner support from local towns providing various services in exchange for favors, and make decisions that actually change the very terrain of the overworld, from flooding an entire town, to turning a mountain into a contaminated wasteland depending on which faction you choose to help.

    Along the way you'll gather gear and supplies, barter, upgrade and scavenge bits and pieces of equipment, find new guns and gun parts, swap with dead survivors, and trade with the desperate, learning what personality traits correspond to what NPC behaviors. Showing a gun to one might cause them to cower, while others will laugh and show you theirs; some might even take it as a bribe.
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    You interact with the environment with contextual inputs, but also by combining things. Combining a rag and gasoline and a bottle by click-dragging makes a molotov, which is obvious. But dragging goods onto a npc who is threatening you, who has the "bully" trait and "quick reflexes" might cause them to snatch it and say "thanks for the donation, what else you got?" before initiating combat.

    Much in this world that wasnt hidden has already been looted, so by combining trash items with the "squirrel" trait, you can create stashes throughout.

    There are no absolute safehouse. The more isolated a place, the more traps and warning systems in ppace, the less likely other survivors will trespass. Laying down a dirty pillow or bedroll gives you a place to rest. A ham radio gives you the ability to set up a improvised radio station. Use these makeshift waypoints to establish emergent outposts, anywhere and everywhere while you explore.
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    And you'll be exploring a lot. You'll explore everything from flooded subways, to skyscrapers, rugged mountains, tribal lands post-fall, abandoned malls, carnival, half sunk cruise ships, a sprawling city, distance wastelands at the edge of the map, supermarkets, and strip malls, suburbs and national monuments overtaken by sand. Forests turned into jungles, and cities built in junkyards, highways, and byways, discovering what became of the world, and what happened.

    *insert advertisement*.
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