
My biggest regret: Going to talk to my boss that I want more responsibilities. Now I am an underpaid boss of 7 people, and the sadest part is, that I have no time for coding anymore 😠

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    Especially in bigger companies, advancement usually takes the form of stopping what you did to impress people, and managing. No thank you.
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    I'll keep this in mind, Savior
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    @illusion466 @joostdelange glad I could help with my rant
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    @jAsE I agree, but it really depends. I am now in a position which is not really a sweet spot of me and my interests. Because I grow up as a software engineer and now shifted more and more into system integration/devops, coupled with a minor part of some development of enhancements in internal systems. It is interesting in terms of new stuff to learn, but sometimes hard when you have to decide things which you don't fully understand. I try to delegate such things but sometimes they come back and hit me hard 😦 But regardless of that, I do my best to help my team to reach milestone after milestone and do the work no one else likes to do.

    And I mean underpayed in regards for what I am responsible now and what more work I have to do. I was never a salary hunter and lived a long time with a salary under the average in my region. That was OK. And it didn't change much with the new responsibilities. So in a relative view, I earn now less than before. But now I know what I have to ask for next year 😉
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