
An AI-powered logging service that proposes a fix for any issues it logs.

Project Type
Project idea

An AI-powered logging service that proposes a fix for any issues it logs.

Just thinking out loud. I figured it may be useful for a quick turnaround on issues. Does something like this exist. Would there be a demand for this?
Tech Stack
sentry, rust
Current Team Size
  • 3
    Sounds good. Doesn't work.
  • 1
    Fixing NPEs automatically would be a nice start
  • 1
    It's called dynatrace, Davis ai, it's expensive as hell.
  • 1
    @glowFX NPEs can be fixed by static analysis that reminds devs to check for null before they use a nullable value. In modern staticly typed languages, the compiler does that analysis and refuses to give you an executable when you forgot a check.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo Damn, I knew Java can't be considered modern anymore.
  • 0
    @glowFX Java had a thin cover of dust and cob webs from day one. It was never modern...
  • 0
    @Oktokolo I am (mostly) German, so I like that thin cover of dust aka "specs". ;)

    At least your comment inspired me to try static code analysis once more and thus were fixing potential NPEs half day long. :D
  • 1
    @glowFX Yeah, feels good when tools do the hard part of the bugfixing work. External static analyzers aren't as bad as some decades ago - even for PHP they sortof work now if you help them by describing the function/method contract in doc comments.
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