
I cancelled prime a few months ago so when I was doing BF shopping on Amazon yesterday, delivery is now 1wk instead of 2-days.

And shipping apparently is $9 if you don't meet the $25 minimum and manually select free shipping; I remember it was $6 before...

So a few thoughts I had:

1. Amazon really must need the Prime memberships to cover all the shipping costs since it is now a pain in the ass to get free shipping on the checkout page.

2. Americans really want instant gratification? Waiting a week is that painful?

In contrast, stuff from China take about a month but are much cheaper

3. The only thing that's worth buying via Amazon now is electronics and stuff that are fragile... And food that's on sale because they have to uphold quality

4. Lucky for me, I get 1 week shipping, I have more time to cancel orders... Which is what I actually did

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    ordering from most other webshops normally takes 1-2 days and around 3-4$ shipping
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    @coffeeholic yes it seems they just want to make it painful u unless your prime now... Really really painful.

    To me it's a losing strategy, originally I got prime bc of Video to my TV and I got bored of that in a year.

    But maybe I'm an exception...
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    @billgates 2. Is definitely true.
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    @Jilano apparently since they can sell those reorder buttons....

    Or I guess ppl these days just like paying to feel privileged...
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    Boyfriend shopping yay
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    @electrineer Black Friday if you really don't know.

    But yes most of the big sales are in PC, games and TV's which are usually good for guys. Except well I have all I need already... Except a girlfriend...
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    @billgates They've already basically discontinued those, I think. Not enough interest (and probably abuse of existing ones by pets and children if they weren't hidden properly).
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    First of all fuck Amazon and their fucking tactics.
    Their "platform" is a clever fucking contraption built by people like you for the purpose of getting you to click the wrong buttons, all revolving around Prime and whatever other shit they got to hook you up.
    I always disliked Amazon. The whole world is a marketplace, you can buy your shit from everywhere.

    And second and more important fuck the people. We are oversatisfied toddlers, always demanding shit sooner rather than later, throwing a tantrum everytime we don't get it our way. We don't stop and think where and how all that shit comes to be.
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    @billgates That too. There is a reason Apple sell that well in the US of A...
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    I cancelled my Prime subscription back in January '19 after their customer service pissed me off by not catering to the highly bloated ego they helped build up. I went through an almost real withdrawal for a couple of weeks, mainly for the loss of convenient streaming, and free same day delivery.

    Unsurprisingly enough though, a year is about to pass and I realise I'm actually better off financially, mentally, educationally, and temperamentally.

    I now actually think about what I'm buying, which would've been an insane proposition last year.
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