
How triggered are you?

On a scale of 1 to 47

  • 13
    Oh I'm not triggered. I'm just judging you.
  • 12
    42. bing is very triggering.
  • 2
    Nah, slightly offset screens are to be expected today. There are tolerances and stuff and if you want two displays of the same model to be actually equal you have to pay a premium for that. So just put some paper under one of them to make them level if you really care about such things.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo almost identical products actually. Just one is 1080p other one is 1440p.

    Also im using dual monitor arms to hold them up. I was cleaning behind the monitors and pushed one down by accident.

    Didn't feel like pushing it back up
  • 1
    @gagan-suie I don't notice in the picture - but i think, different resolutions side by side would drive me crazy in the meatspace. On the other hand, i am more the single monitor type of person. 4k on a 32" VA panel is enough for now.
  • 0
    @Oktokolo it looks the same really. I wanted more res for gaming. But needed a second monitor for coding.
    It works out better because I've caught devs hard-coding layouts for 1080p. And on 1440p it'll look whack.
  • 3
  • 6
    Windows? 🥴🤢🤮
  • 3
    @chonky-quiche I'd LOVE to switch to Linux, if I didn't have to question if devs supported that software for Linux or not. Or find workarounds or alternatives.
  • 2
    @chonky-quiche the most triggering thing is deleting node_modules on windows. Holy shit it's slow.
  • 3
    This shit never bothers me
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus ofcourse not. You're clearly an NPC.
  • 7
    @gagan-suie There's another settlement that needs your help, I'll mark it on your map
  • 1
    @MammaNeedHummus hahahahahhahaahha. Tbh I've always wanted to go LARPING.
  • 0
  • 0
    Maybe 3 because of the Edge.
  • 7

    edge > chrome.
    Cuz I get swag bucks for searching.

    I'm just 9 billion searches away from redeeming a $1.
  • 0
  • 9
    Zero. @netikras they’ve changed my therapy, they added Fluvoxamine, which is an antidepressant that also helps with anxiety and OCD specifically. Granted, my body is still twitching, but I don’t remember the last time I’ve obsessively touched the edges of my laptop. I’m doing way better now
  • 2
    @kiki I'm really glad to hear that!

    Although I didn't know the pixel obsession was an ocd, I figured that was your personality. But I'm happy you feel better than before!
  • 2
    Edge runs amazingly well on Windows without as much memory consumption as the competition. So none.

    I am also not a gatekeeping neckbeard. Use what you like my friend. I am happy for it.
  • 1
    I hate monitors too
  • 0
    @AleCx04 if only it wouldnt ping microsoft and other trackers hundered of times during your browsing and on startup..
  • 0
    Woah, freaky.....

    do you have to endure Terra monitors too?
  • 2
    Is that some frigging Bing toolbar on the left screen? Triggered.
  • 0
    @ojt-rant idk what that is but it sounds gnarly
  • 1
    Not at all as I'm probably worse. I have my work laptop centered below my monitor. In the middle, the cursor can easily transfer to the monitor but the further you get to the edges, the wonkier it gets. Fun
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 i still don't care, use what you want. I don't, you don't.
  • 1

    I bet it must be a pain to have stuff not showing overly sized or tiny on either monitor (the upside is that you can check stuff in two resolutions which is neat for web dev).
  • 0
    @Berkmann18 resizing the app window is a bit annoying. But you learn to live with it. And yes, it's very good for web dev.
  • 0
    @gagan-suie I feel you. I have to put up with Windows for work and use a 32" monitor and a smaller display on the laptop.
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