
mystery food science

what happened to this egg

  • 0
    You dropped it and it cracked? Not hard enough to shatter, from a short height probably
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    @jestdotty there’s a bird flu epidemic but I bought a box of 60 eggs mmmm never tire of eggs
  • 6
    That's erosion from the shell. It's what happens when eggs and chickens are bred in a terrible environment. Basically it was suck an unhealthy chicken that the shell is so thin and brittle it erodes from itself.

    I would consider buying bio/free range chicken eggs to avoid this.
  • 1
    Yep, probably a problem during egg formation in the chicken. Either due to stress or vitamin defficiency, illness or something like that.
  • 6
    it's completely normal. sometimes eggs just get a bit wrinkly during shell formation.

    you just almost never see this in bought eggs because those are usually directly sent to industrial use instead of retail.

    because people are so far removed from the natural world that even tiny, insignificant abberations from the accustomed default of our Brave New World can be enough to confuse simple people.
  • 1
    `It's a grand${ma/pa/they/them}`
  • 0
    shit, dotty, you're a giant
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    please, please, if ever we meet, can you piggieback me? It's for purely empirical purposes, I'd like to know what being carried feels like for once
  • 4
    You can work out the age of the tree it grew on by counting the rings.
  • 2
    It came from the chicken's scrotum instead of ovaries?
  • 6
    @MammaNeedHummus I think chickens just have a single multifunctional connector, like USB-C.
  • 6
    It was having sex with a potato.
  • 3
    @Demolishun Don't knock it til you've tried it.
  • 3
    @jestdotty I have eaten eggs raw. It made me poultry apathetic. I just didn't give a cluck anymore.
  • 2
    @jestdotty nope, I just fry em on the pan lol
  • 0
    @jestdotty I guess people do eat raw eggs (or indirectly in raw dough), but I wouldn't recommend because of Salmonella :/
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