
I try and avoid making eye contact with people leaving the restroom. Today I accidentally made eye contact and did a courtesy smile. Still felt awkward.

Are we supposed to clap and say "Yay!"?

  • 2
    Just pretend you weren't looking... Smh
  • 1
    @fruitfcker oooh yeah us guys hate it when we have to stand next to someone else with a dick out
  • 5
    @fruitfcker that dude prob thinking, "ewww... that guy didn't wash his hands..."
  • 3
    Clapping and cheering at someone who just used the bathroom would most likely be the funniest shit I’ve ever seen
  • 2
    Just wish them good luck 'in there'
  • 2
    @shovethisrant im drunk and can imagine this being a thing in Japan where you walk out of the bathroom and two women are like “courtesy for using toilet. We bow now”
  • 2
    "Hey, you went wee wee? I am about to go wee wee as well, what? oh you had to go poopy-caca? fuck yeah high five!"

    Yes, I am an expert at human interaction
  • 1
    @AleCx04 I recommend for you the movie "Cave Man" starring Ringo Star.
  • 2
    @Demolishun tanga lana?
  • 0
    @fruitfcker I would be pissed, and confused why he chose that particular urinal of all the others
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