
I love how devrant has become a spectrum of mental illness to sociopaths.

  • 6
    Ha, yes! I'm bipolar as F and spent a half year in a mental health facility. Who's next?

    I know around five here 😁

    And I'm using emoticons
  • 4
    i love you too
  • 11
    I don't fancy how it's become a place for teenagers to hurl whatever they want to, completely overflowing the platform with facebook-grade childish posts rather than actual dev rants.
  • 8
    I'm on like 80 pills

    yesterday I cried for no reason for a few hours and everything felt hopeless and I was gonna give up and die

    now I don't care and am happy!

    I've just figured out humans are jets and you can do anything you want to do, through chemistry!

    I don't even have a title for it!
  • 8
    No man has remained sane working this job
  • 0
    @jestdotty literally 80??
  • 2
    @TeachMeCode hmmm.. I have 7 delivery boxes in front of me and all of them have pills in them (and those weren't all the original boxes)

    I got sick mysteriously though so every month I buy new ones to try and that's my life

    some didn't work so I stopped taking them. many improve the symptoms but do not cure the disease

    sometimes I may stop requiring some of them and go off them but later find out I need them again because the symptoms they fixed come back

    I'd say average 20 a day though, so I was being facetious. in total I have more than 80 though

    it's ok, the most beneficial pills are strangely literally nutrition. my body is probably running on empty
  • 8
    @retoor biggest benefit of WFH is being able to work from the psycho ward!!
  • 5
    Just on the autism spectrum. So closer to a sociopath than mental illness I suppose. All the good programmers I've met haven't been right in the head on normal societal standards.

    We're our own breed to survive this industry.
  • 0
    I am not a sociopath, I hope??

    I just like to start shit and fight with idiots online.
  • 1
    Im functional and I am not diagnosed with anything related to mental health. Though I suspect at least slight autism or at the very least some sort or attention disorder.
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