
Why shall I convert my utility functions into arrow functions?? I really don't see the point.

I think it is way more descriptive to read a line going
"export function buildEntity(){"
Instead of
"export const buildEntity = () => {"

When are you using arrow functions? Do you see any benefits there?

  • 1
    Who said that you should do that?
  • 5
    Benefit: no .bind(this) required. Behave as expected.

    But honestly, readability is a function of how much you're used to something. Nothing else.

    Readability arguments are bullshit by design, because the readability gauge is always biased.
  • 0
    the decorator pattern works slightly better with lambda assignment.
  • 0
    @lorentz wait, does it mean that you can’t use a js function as a lambda?
  • 0
    It’s preference
  • 0
    This is literally what i was fucking mad about in the beginning but i found out react is a completely different mindset shift (C++ like) than OOP such as angular

    This is why arrow functions in procedural programming (react) is used while in OOP a function syntax is used
  • 3
    @Lensflare no, I think JS functions are objects to begin with. You can assign functions to variables.
  • 0
    @jestdotty I think C++ does that too. I seem to remember that calling a function on a class actually inserts the first parameter as "this". It is hidden. But if you call the function explicitly you can provide the first parameter to a class instance to make the call. At least that is my memory. It might be faulty.
  • 1
    @Demolishun that’s what I was thinking too. Other languages do it like that too. But js is, as we all know, special.
  • 2
    @Lensflare not sure about JS (probably), but in Python I could create variables on a function object. I actually used that feature to join Python to a game engine that had calls from another scripting language. I needed the python function to be aware of the class the call came from. So I stored the class in a variable on the function itself from the C++ side. I cannot remember exactly how the implementation worked in my mind though.
  • 1
    i use allow functions whenever the method body is trivial enough to be expressed in one single line without overcomplicating things.
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