
I don't want to enable Fucking Adaptive Brightness, I pulled the brightness bar all the way to the right because I want the brightness to be set to maximum. Eat shit.

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    The only justifiable suse case for nonmonotonic scales I'm aware of is match-lit gas hobs. In all other cases, one end should enforce the lowest possible value, the other should enforce the highest.
  • 0
    Which rom does this?
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    @electrineer each one I've ever had.
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    @electrineer right now it's Samsung's ROM for the Galaxy A series, but I've had it on several Sony Xperia phones and a Xiaomi.
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    It doesn't work like that in mine 🤷‍♂️
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    Adaptive brightness has worked well for me so far. Nokia 7.2
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    @asgs so it does for me, but what does it have to do with this topic?
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    @electrineer the OP is supposedly wanting max brightness all the time which is not needed for me
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    @asgs not necessarily all the time, he just wants to control it. It can be useful in many situations.
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    @asgs I want to max it when I'm outside at noon. Adaptive brightness pretty much never maxes the brightness, for whatever efficiency or health consideration.
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    @electrineer the control has always been there
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    @lorentz understood. The responsiveness towards the adaptive brightness might not be great sometimes
  • 1
    Overengineering at its best. Another useless feature..
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